KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023|雙人組合per se後台專訪

香港雙人組合per se於KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023首次來澳演出,兩位成員初次感受澳門on show氛圍,在澳門四處遊覽大飽口福之餘,更不忘於後台訪問中向澳門粉絲們真情剖白!

So glad to see per se, the iconic music duo from Hong Kong, having their greatest time in KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023! It was also their first live performance in Macao, besides exploring the city and trying tasty food, they also shared their feelings about meeting per see in Macao. Remember to check it out!

#KoolTai #kooltai #KoolTaiMACAO #KoolTai2023 #KoolTaiMACAOMUSICFES2023 #KoolTai音樂節 #persehk #棋人 #棋人娛樂 #棋人娛樂演唱會 #Chessman #chessman_macau #chessman_concert


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