KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023|馬來西亞創作歌手Zee Avi後台專訪
KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023的精彩時刻至今仍歷歷在目叫人難忘!而演出單位大玩音樂之餘,舞臺下有甚麼想說呢?
遠道由馬來西亞首次來澳的創作歌手Zee Avi,作為世界各地音樂節的常客,她和團隊眼中的澳門首個流行音樂節KoolTai是怎樣的呢?
The wonderful moments of KoolTai 2023 are still vivid in our mind and unforgettable! Besides playing music, what do the performance units want to say off the stage?
Zee Avi, a Malaysian singer-songwriter who came to Macau for the first time, is a frequent visitor to music festivals around the world. What do she and her team think of Macau’s first international pop music festival?
#KoolTai #kooltai #KoolTaiMACAO #KoolTai2023 #KoolTaiMACAOMUSICFES2023 #KoolTai音樂節 #ZeeAvi #棋人 #棋人娛樂 #棋人娛樂演唱會 #Chessman #chessman_macau #chessman_concert