KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023|側田x Jason Kui 後台專訪

讓音樂人集結一起擦出火花正是KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023的最大目標,側田就作出了完美示範,與擔綱另一環節的主角結他手Jason Kui聯乘演出,連同音樂人好友陳杰Chris Polanco,一同施展現場音樂的魔法,觀眾看得開心,他們自己亦大呼過癮!一起感受他們幾位大男孩的「玩樂」喜悅啦!

Bringing musicians together to create sparks is the biggest aim of KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023, and Justin has shown a perfect example. Performed with guitarist Jason Kui, who played another session in Kooltai, and their musician friend Chris Polanco, they worked the magic of live music together. This not only made the audience enjoyed, and much for themselves as well. Let's feel the joy of these big boys playing music together!

#KoolTai #kooltai #KoolTaiMACAO #KoolTai2023 #KoolTaiMACAOMUSICFES2023 #KoolTai音樂節 #側田 #JasonKui #ChrisPolanco #棋人 #棋人娛樂 #棋人娛樂演唱會 #Chessman #chessman_macau #chessman_concert




KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023|謝天華後台專訪